Fuckkkkk I think I found the source of my confusion. I am wrong, you are right.
I DID find documents about Moloch floating around my Google Drive from ~2013-ish. I believe I invited your co-author Eion to present at a conference I was running, THREADS, in 2014 and that he was not able to make it. The focus the _year prior_ was exclusively on DARPA CFT. I combined those two events in my head and thought your project got some seed funding from DARPA too. I'm sorry!
I DID find documents about Moloch floating around my Google Drive from ~2013-ish. I believe I invited your co-author Eion to present at a conference I was running, THREADS, in 2014 and that he was not able to make it. The focus the _year prior_ was exclusively on DARPA CFT. I combined those two events in my head and thought your project got some seed funding from DARPA too. I'm sorry!
Here is the conference:
THREADS 2014 when you were invited: https://github.com/trailofbits/threads/tree/master/2014
THREADS 2013 was a retrospective on DARPA CFT: https://github.com/trailofbits/threads/tree/master/2013