There's an absence of evidence that this is actually true. Tests are in short supply even in places with their own biotech industry; countries which are reliant on importing tests have no accurate picture of what's happening.
Ecuador is an example which has crossed my radar: ~10,000 confirmed cases, but overall death rates are way up and they're digging mass graves.
We would all love to believe that heat and humidity will blunt the spread of this virus, but I'm not seeing nearly as much evidence of that as I would like.
Actually most countries in the world do immunize against TB. And developing countries in particular overwhelmingly do. The US doesn't mandate and most European countries have stopped.
An interesting observation about that map is that there is a high correlation between countries that stopped BCG vaccinations and high fatality rate from Covid-19. However, Australia is one of the countries that stopped doing BCG vaccinations but it does not have the high fatality rate of western European countries. What's going on there?
Idk. There's so many confounding factors. I don't know when they stopped the vaccination, but maybe it was recent enough that the vulnerable (elderly) did actually receive the vaccination? Maybe temperature does matter. Maybe they're just behind on the curve. We can only wait and see as more clinical data becomes available.
Ecuador is an example which has crossed my radar: ~10,000 confirmed cases, but overall death rates are way up and they're digging mass graves.
We would all love to believe that heat and humidity will blunt the spread of this virus, but I'm not seeing nearly as much evidence of that as I would like.