You can see to see the collection of online brands in the family. You might use lots of these brands today without really noticing. There's a lot of internet content you get via which is also part of the same company. Aol is still a thing, people do use it. Many people use lots of these brands as part of their internet experience.
You might even be looking for a job as an information security professional. You can join "The Paranoids" team (now that's a good name, don't you think!) by checking out some of their jobs.
Digital Programmatic Ad Buying Platforms for Brands by Verizon, formerly Oath Ads Platforms formerly BrightRoll, ONE by AOL (formerly Millennial Media) and Yahoo Gemini, which themselves have other ad tech acquisitions burred in them (Gravity,, Convertro among others come to mind) is the fifth largest digital marketing provider behind Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft.
Verizon Media (Engadget, Huffpost, TechCrunch, Yahoo Finance, News Sports etc) are the other big component of the company.
Is it fully about online publications now?