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There still needs to be large-scale integration for things like complicated industrial production. Also, communication technology will only get better, so long-distance virtual collaboration should actually get easier.

However, most things people need can be produced on a local scale. Large-scale organization can and does happen from the bottom. However, I feel like the future that is necessary for us to adopt just involves much less physical production and movement on a global scale.

To a very large extent, some things we take for granted probably just aren't workable long-term, either from an environmental or human risk perspective. Constant travel, cheap flights, ordering googaws from Amazon, etc. Most things people need can be produced locally or mostly locally.

Housing, food, furniture, boots, clothes, etc can all be produced to very high quality without using inputs from other continents. Sure, it involves more human labor in comparison to capital, but it is far cheaper once externalities are factored in. Besides, a huge proportion of our population does jobs which are literally useless. Redirecting that labor towards productive and more fulfilling ends would be great.

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