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I gather they’re going for an endowment model, and the pricing is reassuringly expensive.

That said, storage is one of those things that feels as though it should be charged on a subscription basis.

I can really like this.

A while ago one of my cards was stolen and I got a new one. It took a month before I realized my contact lens subscription had stopped. Luckily contact lenses are easy to get and I try to keep some extra around as well.

A bigger problem however was 20 or so years ago was that when I was drafted and I suddenly couldn't check my email for a while and after 14 days I lost access to

- my old address that everyone knew

- all my mail

- and most of my contacts mail addresses

Fixing that is a lot harder and I would be happy to pay a premium to be sure that some things stay around even if my house burns down with my NAS inside while I'm in hospital and my CC is cancelled while I'm unable to notice it.

BTW: feel free to post your suggestions. My best ideas are to ship encrypted disks to one of my brothers/sisters and parts of the passwords to two others In case I lose them or in case I die and someone needs wants access to my accounts.

Why the encryption?

If I store data with my family there's two kinds: the kind I encrypt because I don't want anyone else to access it and the kind that I don't encrypt because of I want them to be able to access it. Adding a fallible model with several people holding access might end up leaving your data inaccessible...

Good point.

- What if the disks are stolen?

- Or hidden in a wall and forgotten only to be found by the next owner? Weirder things have happened.

- Or uploaded to the public internet by accident. Warning: (hopefully)[0] wild hyperbole ahead. While I don't have much to hide (today) who knows about the future. I'd rather not want to see my photoalbum indexed to death by clearview and results sold to a future Nazi/Communist/Peta regime who'll use the face database to track down my grandchildren to punish them because their grandfather hated Nazis/wasn't exactly too fond of Communism either/ate meat and owned a rabbit.

- also for anything in the second category I guess the correct solution is an online server + encrypted backups with passwords available for everyone. Or just use backblaze or something and hope I don't become unavailable until some of my kids or their kids are old enough to become sysadmins ;-)

[0]: but who would have thought 100 years ago that lists of people's faith would be used 20 years later to systematically track down people not based on what crimes they had done but rather based on heritage only to round them up and kill them?

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