1.) Hard for Content Newsletters to Find advertisers and sponsors.
2.) Very difficult for startups who want to advertise in newsletters to find similar newsletters to advertise in. (no central location - have to find advertise area on website for each newsletter or email publisher directly for smaller newsletters)
This isn't just something that's new for newsletters. I believe this was inherited from direct mail from magazines and publishers. I remember pursuing a startup idea in high school, looking for ways to reach out to highly targeted magazines, and being pointed to a directory in the library. And even the library didn't have that directory.
My Solution: type of website for content newsletter publishers.
My Minimal Test: - Performable Landing page to see if there's interest in this. Landing page hooks up to mailchimp. For first few weeks, I'll send advertising opportunities from friends who own content newsletters - see if there's interest and if we can pick up steam.
Finding if publishers are interested by using to find newsletter publishers.
My Concerns:
(1) Too small of a market. Some of the data from shows me that most email newsletters are from newsletters that are selling a product or service or are extremely interested in driving traffic to their blog.
(2) The larger newsletters (highest value customers) probably don't need someone to find opportunities because they're popular enough to attract advertisers directly.
Target Newsletters include content newsletters like HackerNewsletter and Startup Digest.
Final Plea: Please poke holes in this. Tear me apart. Spit on my ideas. I want to save time and focus full attention on if this idea isn't worth pursuing. All input appreciated.
I think it's a great idea, actually. At BSA we've been talking about newsletter ads for a while, but haven't been able to commit to executing on it properly. We went as far as acquiring the domain, but have since stopped there. One of the biggest hurdles with selling ads in newsletters is getting enough valuable inventory. Even with our existing publishers (and with 150-200 new sites submitted every day) we would struggle to have enough meaningful inventory to put together to sell. That being said, I had many people tell me the same thing before I started BSA - that I would never be able to get enough inventory together to make it work.
The other piece of advice I can give you is that operating at 25% commissions (like BSA does) is definitely a bootstrapping path. If you can sell ads in newsletters that they aren't already selling, then it's something I would do at a 35-40% level. Maybe that sounds crazy, but if you're able to make sales that are normally not made you can charge whatever you want.
So, I'd say go for it, hustle, and make it happen if you are passionate about it.