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Live Blogging the Making of a Node.js Twitter Clone (travisglines.com)
45 points by travisglines on March 5, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Is your GitHub repo a bit behind the live site? I'm noticing you can go to nodrr.com/some_username and view a user's messages, but I don't see anything in the code that provides that route.

Whats a good software to do the live screencast?



Hmmm ... I feel like the setup is too much for tonight, maybe I'll make a screencast another time. Getting a twitter clone solid tonight'll be a serious challenge w/o screencasting it.

Take screenshots from time to time, and then make a timelapse video when you finish.

Will do.

Cool Idea. lets see if I can get you some followers :)

Nice! Also, you should tweet your progress ;)

I was thinking about that but I literally have no followers ... @travisglines

Excellent, looking forward to the progress!

check it out: http://www.nodrr.com

some of the very basic stuff is there now

A livestream would be pretty cool too

Yea, do a live screencast of this!

I barelly can stand the facebook and you force me to login w/ that shit... Please not.

You should tweet each line of code.

haha, I'd spend more time on twitter than coding

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