Hi again HN,
It's now been over a year since the first time I asked HN to review my webapp (http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1005299),
so now I would really like to ask the HN community to review my HTML5 online strategy game again.
I have fixed all of the issues that were reported the first time, so now I would really appreciate some
advice and ideas about what to do with this project from now on. I would be happy to answer any questions
you might have also. Thanks a lot in advance! - Andreas
Is there any way to mess around with the UI without setting up the whole environment? I see a few bits I'd like to clean up but man that's a lot of bootstrapping :)
You will have to setup the entire environment. It will take a few hours to set everything up. I'll be happy to give you any help in setting it up. The documentation on github is a little out of date, so if you are interested I can update it for you.
As a start, perhaps you could open a new issue on the project's github page and we'll discuss the changes that you propose. Bugreports are just as valuable as patches at the moment. Good luck!
Wow. It's dramatically better! Within about 20 seconds I was filled with that rush of curiosity / grandiose ambition that Civ creates so wonderfully. I immediately closed the window. Fuck. I don't have time for Civ. Must ship more code, startup crunch time, no time for playing I tell myself. I know I'll be back. Fuck.
I purchased Civ 5 like a week ago. I haven't played it besides checking out the tutorial, because I know my startup success is inversely correlated with my Civilization's success.
There was a flash game a while back that someone drew up a concept for that, to me, looked really compelling. It included buying coffee machines, source control, hiring developers, etc.
Once you get to the graphics/interaction they are great.
I recommend:
* Try to embed a live-game into your main page, it took me 2 minutes to navigate the options until I could get some graphics on the screen.
* While you're at it make sure you embed a fully mature/active game so that we can see how awesome it looks when the screen is full of stuff.
* The UI flow is very non-intuitive, perhaps you've invested most of the dev in the game itself but its hidden behind a dozen screens that are hard to navigate.
When I click the "Start single-player game" button, it puts me into a multiplayer game. I had to leave and re-start several times before I got into a game with only AI opponents.
Thanks for your efforts, overall it looks awesome.
A small quick request: please can we have a loading bar on the load screens. It loaded relatively quickly, but it's still painful to be waiting for 10s and not knowing how long to wait for.
It certainly looks interesting and very powerful, but horribly complicated. I haven't played any Civ type games before, so I really don't know how to get started. I don't know what the tutorial was suppose to do, I loaded it and it didn't show me how to play.
The tutorial needs work. How would I know what's a good place to build a city? Bigger problem: I explored a little bit, and then suddenly I couldn't do anything anymore with no explanation.
I think the main thing it could use now is general UX polish. The Freeciv server messages are "noisy" and many of them could be hidden or represented in more graphical ways. Actually playing the game is pretty good if you already know how to play Civ, but I felt some unclarity about how many starting units I actually had, and it's the kind of game that demands plenty of tutorials for new players.
It looks much better than before. As a novice flash programmer myself, I'd love to know how you go about creating tile sets. I've never done a 4x game, but I used to love them and there don't seem to be many out there in recent years.
This looks pretty cool and I'm impressed that anyone could build something like it in HTML5, but as a non-gamer and someone who hasn't played a game like this before I wasn't really sure what I was doing or how I was suppose to play.
Yes, a lot of people have asked for iPad support. Unfortunately, the Javascript performance in the iPad1 is too slow, so the game is unplayable there. I have high hopes for a version running on the iPad2 though.