The us constitution is also a fairly week document that don't even protect things as basic as "free speech" if you read rulings like the infamous Brandenburg ruling, that contract to it's rhetoric did not involve anyone "yelling fire in an crowded theater" but someone advocating people being drafted the army dong WWI to challenge the legality of the draft, and refuse to report as instructed to the muster stations.
This might be the one time the crisis is real and not invented but how do we make sure that all of the emergency measures including all new surveillance tech deployed is mothballed under seal. the second it's no longer an emergency and that an correct review happens afterwards.
The us supreme court have an long tradition of reading the us constitution with an very open mind to the needs of the state itself, especially in rulings that predate the US signing the UN Charter of Human rights.
This might be the one time the crisis is real and not invented but how do we make sure that all of the emergency measures including all new surveillance tech deployed is mothballed under seal. the second it's no longer an emergency and that an correct review happens afterwards.
The us supreme court have an long tradition of reading the us constitution with an very open mind to the needs of the state itself, especially in rulings that predate the US signing the UN Charter of Human rights.