> some states opening up again because they think it's all over
This is unequivocally not why some states are preparing to relax the so-called "safer at home" orders. Waiting until "it's all over" was not the goal of safer-at-home. Flattening the curve in order to prevent an immediately overwhelmed healthcare system was the goal. In multiple US states, the curve is acceptably flattened (or is expected to be in the next few weeks), and hospitals have plenty of available capacity. Those states are going to continue encouraging physical distancing, good hygiene, etc. while allowing closed non-essential businesses to resume limited operations.
> Waiting until "it's all over" was not the goal of safer-at-home.
Someone should tell that to the Italian authorities. At least until recently, some public statements seemed to inch in that direction ("zero new infections"), although more recently they realized that this is hardly possible at this point (especially if the estimates of the actual vs effective cases are true - talking about at least one order of magnitude).
I'm watching Italy/Spain with great interest at this point as both are loosening restrictions (after going through the same sort of hell as New York). If they don't see a new bump up in a few weeks for them, it means prevalence is far higher than we think in those countries (good news for them).
So far in Italy nothing will change until May 3rd. But the government is in total chaos over this (mainly because they're afraid of death themselves...). Lots of very unpractical ideas to keep distancing from so-called experts, too.
I guess we'll have to see what happens. Personally, although I'm very aware of the risks and will prepare accordingly, I'll be glad if I can finally get out of this isolation.
If you haven't even started the curve (as many of these states haven't), then you're not flattening it by using stay at home for a short time then relaxing it.
IMO loosening restrictions without really aggressive testing and case tracing is going to undo lots of good work by other states by allowing the virus to spread, but time will tell.
This is unequivocally not why some states are preparing to relax the so-called "safer at home" orders. Waiting until "it's all over" was not the goal of safer-at-home. Flattening the curve in order to prevent an immediately overwhelmed healthcare system was the goal. In multiple US states, the curve is acceptably flattened (or is expected to be in the next few weeks), and hospitals have plenty of available capacity. Those states are going to continue encouraging physical distancing, good hygiene, etc. while allowing closed non-essential businesses to resume limited operations.