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Name 5 people who will be remembered in 100 years and who had kids before starting their Grand Project. It's pretty hard.

Every single one of the past five presidents?

what project would that be?

They tend to launch both simultaneously (eg: Henry Ford).

Reality might skew a little in tech because of some high profile successes that occurred while founders were absurdly young.

I heard, Bill Gates' mother helped him with the start.

Honorable mention: Anthony Fauci but he won't be remembered in 100 years. But, who will? J.k.Rowling, Donald Trump, Barack Obama. Then I am out of ideas, through I can think of both childless and non childless people.

Not slowed down by children: Albert Einstein, Joseph Stalin, Goering, Speer. (I happened to read about that period a lot).

Bill Gates, Musk also have children, but I don't think business owners are remembered that long. Plus, Elon Musk is not active father. More if sponsor from what I heard. The "remembered after 100 years" basically limits me to politicians making massive changes. But if you check those who won Nobel prize, they have plenty children too. And writers have them too.

Seriously, career of males are not much harmed by children. It used to be an advantage even

The question is whether they had children when they began their ambitious project. Bill Gates was definitely childless when he started Microsoft. He met his wife Melinda through Microsoft; she was an employee. I don't know about Musk but the question is whether he had kids when founding Paypal.

So like, business man count only if they started business late? Successful person that did not started during college is too much of complicated rule. You require someone who had kids too young or started work life too old.

Musk was born I'm rich family for that matter. And was not hold back by kid at all, cause he was not spending hours with them or something. Ha had nanny.

Rather how he would have kids without business?

Age is a pretty strong confounder here, for more than one reason.

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