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All Google have to do is agree to these terms:


Should be a piece of cake. :)

i'm amazed anyone agreed to those terms. i'd be worried that they were so pathetic a company that they couldn't gain business any other way - not exactly confidence-inspiring.

quote: "... upon request, the Advertising Provider agrees to provide Facebook the names of and contact information for any employees and/or contractors "

may not be so easy

> "... upon request, the Advertising Provider agrees to provide Facebook the names of and contact information for any employees and/or contractors "

I didn't see anything prohibiting Facebook from selling that information to headhunters, er, recruiting firms.

Facebook and Google just need to talk. Might be a holler over the fence, but their rift is spreading far and wide. Yes, they are both growing powers on the internet, but for the sake of users and developers alike they need to settle some of their differences. I wouldn't be surprised if this 'contract' move was partly inspired to be able to block Adsense. If so, this is one of the oldest tricks in the book: forcing everyone to agree to something Google can't. Or it was the legal department going overboard.

I don't think it would be good for developers for Google and Facebook to settle their differences. The last thing we need is the internet in the hands of a giant cartel.

I hope so :)

I have the suspicion that FaceBook already has the names and contact information for the vast majority of Google employees and/or contractors.

I'm pretty sure the parent was being sarcastic. :)

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