I don’t mean to critize american healthcare, it’s one of the best in the world. Unfortunately not accessible for the part of society that is uninsured and undocumented.
Marc and his family have donated so much for emergency medicine, the last resort for the uninsured, which is awesome.
What makes me sad is to see how people can end up in an existential crisis, both for their health and financially, because the system is failing them.
American healthcare should absolutely be criticized, I just meant that it’s too early to say, as Joe Biden did two months ago, that a socialized healthcare wouldn’t have helped COVID because Italy has socialized healthcare. We haven’t seen the full destruction of COVID to make an valid comparison.
Marc and his family have donated so much for emergency medicine, the last resort for the uninsured, which is awesome.
What makes me sad is to see how people can end up in an existential crisis, both for their health and financially, because the system is failing them.