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Swift for Tensorflow has implemented Python interoperability, rather than embedded Python code as in this article. A Swift program can import a Python module and interact with Python objects and functions as if they were native Swift objects (minus strong typing, of course). See https://github.com/tensorflow/swift/blob/master/docs/PythonI...

Rust has had Python interop through the Python C API since around 2015 [1]. It's pretty low hanging fruit for any language that supports the C FFI. Rust-cpython has had simple macros for interop for ages [2] and there's even a library that uses serde macros to encode/decode pickled object [3].

This article is just a fun hack using Rust macros.

[1] https://github.com/dgrunwald/rust-cpython

[2] http://dgrunwald.github.io/rust-cpython/doc/cpython/macro.py...

[3] https://docs.rs/serde-pickle/0.6.0/serde_pickle/

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