False, unemployment numbers include part-time and fixed-term contracts, and they've only gone up 42k compared to last year[1]. Part-time and fixed-term contracts are covered under the French partial furlough reimbursement plan.
The French numbers are more than 42,000. Under the partial furlough program, they've simply re-labeled unemployed workers to be "partially furloughed" workers rather than unemployed.
Using that definition, the US COVID-related unemployment numbers aren't nearly as bad, since millions have been "furloughed" rather than "permanently laid off."
People always say unemployment is undercounted, especially in the US, but I believe the rates are based on surveying people and anyone is counted if they say they want to work (more).
I'm very skeptical that furloughed people would not be counted, because I just don't think the process works that way.
Of course, maybe things have changed. The depressing thing about cynicism is it means you end up having no resistance to it becoming a reality.
[1] https://www.lesechos.fr/economie-france/social/coronavirus-h...