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There's an other point in this Apple/Amazon comparison that's not being raised: If you own a book, and you don't want to stick with Kindle's format, it's trivial to offer that same core product on other platforms like the Nook or Apple's store.

Whereas if you've developed an iOS app, transitioning that to another platform is often going to be a large amount of work where you're basically starting over from the spec and not bringing over any code.

Which means you're going to generally hear a lot more squawking from iOS software vendors than book vendors, because their migration costs are prohibitive relative to those of book publishers.

Whereas if you've developed an iOS app, transitioning that to another platform is often going to be a large amount of work where you're basically starting over from the spec and not bringing over any code.

It's much harder to find a substitute for the App Store ecosystem than it is to replace the code. The proverbial rock and hard place.

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