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Look, empty platitudes like "more freedom" are never the answer, unless the question is, "how do we sell people on something so crazy that they'd never agree with it otherwise, like for example, 'giving jbooth and dpatru the ability to sell a MD degree for 5 bucks on the street corner'"?

You may as well say the solution to the medical credentialiing problem is pancakes.

There was a point in time where you didn't require a government certified authority to give you the title of doctor. People decided to start certifying. For obvious reasons.

There was also a time you did not need a government issued ID to get on a plane. That also changed, for obvious reasons, but not necessarily good ones. Fear of the unknown is not equivalent to rationality.

The worst government policies are those where "concerned mother" (= Democrat) and "stern dad" (= Republican) stand shoulder to shoulder to protect you from yourself. Millions of people are in regular contact with that sort of "stern + concerned" thing in the form of the TSA, but other agencies are no less Kafkaesque (more so in fact given that they are operating in comparative darkness).

You can stand on a street corner and call yourself a programmer willing to work for $5. Or for zero. That doesn't mean that GE will hire you to write the code for their next X-ray machine. Distributed intelligence is much smarter, and centralized evaluation much dumber, than many believe.

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