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I guess I just haven't seen memcached integration in .NET. All of the caching examples I've seen use the framework caching components.

I was also wondering if they'd developed any generic custom code to fetch from Redis or fetch from SQL/insert into Redis, and how it fits into their application logic. (e.g. does it happen before they make a LINQ to SQL query, or does it intercept LINQ to SQL queries and return results from Redis).

If you're interested, here is a C# Redis Client: https://github.com/ServiceStack/ServiceStack.Redis

With downloads for windows: https://github.com/dmajkic/redis/downloads

Here's an example of an OSS 1-page mini-StackOverflow, written only using Redis: http://www.servicestack.net/RedisStackOverflow/

And this page has caching web services examples (at the bottom), with source code of non-non-invasively dropping in a Redis cache provider using an IOC.


If you want to learn more about Redis, here is an article on how to build an application using only POCO's and Redis: https://github.com/ServiceStack/ServiceStack.Redis/wiki/Desi...

With more info on the wiki: https://github.com/ServiceStack/ServiceStack.Redis/wiki/Desi...

Great, thanks!!

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