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Evil.css: an evil stylesheet for injecting into unsuspecting users' webpages (github.com/tlrobinson)
109 points by tlrobinson on March 3, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments

I don't think a single rule in that stylesheet is IE compatible. If your goal is to get people to switch back to that browser, then this would work beautifully.

This is truly evil on multiple levels.

Clearly IE is less evil than we thought :)

Seriously though, if you have evil IE-compatible rules I'll gladly add them. It just wasn't worth my effort to boot a VM to test these in IE, or even look up whether they were supported.

Some of these could be fun: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms532847(v=vs.85).as...

* contemplates forking this into a version which specifically targets facebook *

Rotate the like buttons into FSF style like buttons

  .sp_cwqcqa {
     -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg) !important;

Nice one. Please do and I'll accept a pull request.

"direction:rtl;" could be a nice addition if you pick the right location for it.

Very nice...or should I say evil? The slowly fading text is a nice touch, and the blurry text just makes it even more evil since it makes it that much harder to read.

It reminds me of a quick script that I wrote to prank a friend. It makes whatever webpage they're viewing <blink>, but only occasionally, and not all elements on the page blink at the same rate.

It's a userscript so it works natively in Chrome or in Firefox with Greasemonkey. If anyone is interested you can check it out at https://github.com/seancron/wtf.js

Finding ways to blow up things and especially your own code is an important skill for every developer and designer. If I learned one thing in my first serious programming job (where we couldn't just do a quick deploy on a central server), it's that you should always try to come up with scenarios that will make things break, both in the planning and in the testing phase.

I thought that's common sense, that's why I am not getting the hate. You can learn a lot from projects like this, even if it's only the approach.

Demos? Screenshots?

Here's a bookmarklet to try it out on any site (paste into the URL bar, hit enter):


Two Chrome subprocesses jumped to 99.9% CPU usage after running that on this page. Awesome. (Chrome 9.0.597.102 on OSX 10.6)

i was just injecting JSes with bookmarklets. got to see CSS tricks too, thanks for sharing this. nothing blinks on HN though ;)

I just find this CSS to be not evil enough, but don't have the time to make it more malicious. Something more along the lines of upside-down-ternet would be better... make it available but laughably unusable for your target sites/audience.

I experience only minimal, practically unnoticeable, slowdown with the stylesheet. (Firefox 4, Beta 12, badged as Iceweasel, on a Debian 64-bit system.)

Funny, and it also demonstrates the risks of CSS injection far more effective than a dull article.

Fantastic! Like a contemporary, portable version of jodi.org.

and April 1st is less than a month away...

Nice. It makes the text on the page look like IE9 or a WPF app.

What's the point of this project? To prove that your coding skills are top or to prove that you're some kind of an a-hole who gets a kick out of screwing with people's stuff? Don't answer these questions: either way, you are a d-bag (your avatar pic proves my point). BIG fat F to github for allowing projects like these to be uploaded. BIG fat F to hacker news too: gotta have one more hit, huh?. What a joke.

Oh calm down, it's just for fun.

evil.css is purely for entertainment purposes. I'm not responsible for anything you do with evil.css, nor do I suggest doing any of the above activities, especially hacking backbone routers.

Do they have a demo page? I wanna see it in action.


You created an account just to post this comment? Whether you think this project is a good idea or not, there's no reason to resort to ad hominem attacks.

  "Don't answer these questions [...]"  
But I suppose you're just not interested in having a discussion.

I bet you're a riot on April Fools.

God forbid you ever find out about Metasploit, your poor little head might explode!

"Don't answer these questions"

Don't worry, I wasn't going to.

Tom is not a douchebag. You, sir, are the douchebag

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