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Ask HN: Most interesting tech people to follow on Twitter?
18 points by leerob on April 13, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
Twitter is slowly becoming my primary source of tech news outside of HN. I’m looking for suggestions on accounts to follow for tech/programming in general, entrepreneurship, web development, and indie hackers.

I have written a blog post about this:


The problem with many such lists is that they include people who are famous, but don't tweet much or don't tweet about tech. I tried to include only people that tweed regularly and actually tweet about software engineering or related topics.

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Here's a handful a little off the beaten path (except @levie):

@levie @sivers @adamwathan @isosteph @djpardis @hyper_yolo @bmacaitis @nlpmattg @codinghorror @wrathofgnon (not tech but follow anyway) @bcantrill @macstrelioff @marcelcutts @mcfunley @jppope (me)

@foone is probably my favorite.

Did you like the recommendations given by Twitter when you followed a new account?

@dhh - (Creator of rails, CEO of Basecamp) most tweets are calling companies out on privacy issues

@swiftbysundell - (John Sundell) Great articles about Swift

@twostraws - (Paul Hudson, Hacking w/Swift) Lots of great Swift content

@alex - (Alex Wilhelm, TechCrunch Journalist) Interesting stuff about Sass and startups

@TaylorLorenz - (NYT Journalist) If you want to keep up with what the kids are memeing about

@Alex_Danco, @patio11, @HipCityReg and @tobi are all worth a follow

as a JS developer, @getify is pure gold. He really dives deep into somewhat "simple" JS topics well.

My favorite was @ayende.

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