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Clojure did have quite a bit of hype 5-10 years ago and a bit of slowdown in 2017-2018 where this meme of "Clojure is dead" probably started.

Agree. But slowdown in internet hype doesn’t mean slowdown in industry adoption though.

Indeed and probably there is no perfect measure for this. One way to look at it is Maven download data (https://i.imgur.com/66yEO9C.png) where it continues to increase. Another is to look at Google Trends data (https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=%2Fm%2F0...) where it seems like it's decreasing in searches.

It's currently used by 2.9% of devs, vs. 2.5% for scala. (Search for JVM language report)

Yet another way of measuring (also without providing any type of source, searching "JVM Language Report" brings up a dozen of different results, whereas the first one lists Clojure as being 3% and Scala as 2.36%, can you just link the source instead of asking people to do your sourcing for you?) that is also not perfect.

In the end, we will never know the "real" numbers, and developers like me who use Clojure and find themselves most productive in it, could not care less either.

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