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Remember that Google Trends just measures search traffic. Also, handy tip, select "Programming Language" instead of "Term", the graph changes slightly with that: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?cat=5&date=all&geo=...

Another tip, by default Google Trends just show data from the US, which is not very interesting, select Wordwide to get a better picture: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?cat=5&date=all&q=%2...

Competitors are hard to say as there would different categories. Some workplaces would only choose a JVM language, then Scala's competitors are Java itself, Clojure and alike.

Go and Rust have mainly been described as "system" languages but they take vastly different approaches from each other.

If you be a bit more specific on what you're compared them on, it'll be easier to know if they are competitors or not.

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