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“What’s that?” she asked. “The ugliest T-shirt in the world,” he said, and kissed her cheek. “The Bollards will be disappointed,” she said, coming in and closing the door. “I thought they’d had me sleeping in that.” “So ugly that digital cameras forget they’ve seen it.” “Cameras can see it. The surveillance cameras can all see it, but then they forget they’ve seen it.” “Why?” “Because their architecture tells them to forget it, and anyone who’s wearing it as well. They forget the figure wearing the ugly T-shirt. Forget the head atop it, the legs below, feet, arms, hands. It compels erasure. That which the camera sees, bearing the sigil, it deletes from the recalled image. Though only if you ask it to show you the image. So there’s no suspicious busy-ness to be noticed. If you ask for June 7, camera 53, it retrieves what it saw. In the act of retrieval, the sigil, and the human form bearing it, cease to be represented. By virtue of deep architecture. Gentlemen’s agreement."

William Gibson, Zero History (2010)

That sounds more realistic than one might expect. Most printers will apparently reject printing of patterns containing the EURion pattern [1], commonly found on paper cash. Not a far stretch that some facial recognition tech might contain deliberate hidden patterns in the future.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EURion_constellation

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