> And both Julia and Python are also strongly typed (there isn't really a language that lacks a type system).
No they are not. At least not for my definition of the term "strongly typed". Of course you can use a different definition, but if, as you say, "there isn't really a language" that does not fulfill your definition you might want to reconsider its usefulness. The point of classifying languages is mood when every fan comes along and says "my favorite language also has that, if you tweak your understanding just a bit".
I used the more common definition (strong vs weak being orthogonal to static vs dynamic). Both Julia and Python are strong and dynamic (and duck typed).
No they are not. At least not for my definition of the term "strongly typed". Of course you can use a different definition, but if, as you say, "there isn't really a language" that does not fulfill your definition you might want to reconsider its usefulness. The point of classifying languages is mood when every fan comes along and says "my favorite language also has that, if you tweak your understanding just a bit".