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Custora (YC W11) Helps Businesses Battle Churn (readwriteweb.com)
62 points by pospischil on March 3, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

interesting idea, definitely a lot of value. I've seen many of the big telcos and large companies spend a lot of resources and $$ on this problem.

Thanks! We're working hard to build the product based on the latest research in the field.

got links to what models you're using? I used to analyze such data.

I’ve taken the tour, but I still don’t understand what you do. Can you explain how it works?

in order to better offer better targeting and messaging

How about "making something people want" as a strategy for retaining customers?

How do you work out what people want?

Then how to you change to make sure that your product is targeting the wants of the largest addressable market?

To add to that: how do you get what people want to the people who want it? Without hunting them down, they're unlikely to know you've solved their problem(s).

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