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Linear switches are basically already silent compared to tactile or clicky switches. If Cherry starts making quiet blues or clears I'll start getting excited.

Honestly the biggest source of noise for basically all mechanical keys except buckling spring or cherry-blue style keys is the noise of the keycap or key stem hitting the bottom and subsequently the top of travel. Half of that is fixable with o-rings but that still leaves the noise at the top of travel which doesn't currently have any solutions as far as I know.

That is exactly what the Silent Reds (not regular Reds) fix! Seems their marketing and my comment above isn't clear enough.

They have built-in dampening for the top of travel and for bottoming out. It's far more effective than o-rings and has a much better feel to it.

Red are linear, though, so as a replacement for blue switches you may need brown or a hypothetical more silent version of them.

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