>These ID cards are, however, preparing the way. The more people get used to some new government regulation, restriction, or provision, the more they tolerate it and eventually just learn to live with it. What may at first seem unthinkable and raise howls of protest, later becomes accepted by a few, then many, then most. And that’s how the Antichrist and his agents will capitalize on these compulsory ID cards to prepare the world for what’s next.
Dominionism is not a clearly defined practice/group/sect/etc. The most inclusive definition is basically just "people with strong beliefs want to run the democracy they live in according to those beliefs", which doesn't seem like a surprising way for anyone to behave.
Yet, take even the most expansive and uncharitable definition, and still "dominionism" =/= "the end times are at hand and there are signs everywhere of the coming anti-christ, such as national ID cards".
>These ID cards are, however, preparing the way. The more people get used to some new government regulation, restriction, or provision, the more they tolerate it and eventually just learn to live with it. What may at first seem unthinkable and raise howls of protest, later becomes accepted by a few, then many, then most. And that’s how the Antichrist and his agents will capitalize on these compulsory ID cards to prepare the world for what’s next.