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Came here to mention Guerrilla Mail as well -- I'm using it with end-to-end tests successfully, but it can be slow (~30 seconds for an email to be available). I believe it's slow because it's popular, so I imagine this will happen to unverified.email as well.

But I'm curious about your statement:

> if you're intent on not letting users sign up with disposable email addresses (and you shouldn't be)

Why not? It seems like some people are eager to not be on any mailing lists, and the worst downside seems to be that they won't able to reset their password.

Yahoo.com et al. are still available to create one-off emails to allow someone to get past a (say) 14-day free trial every 14 days, so how does blocking these guys help?

"Why not? It seems like some people are eager to not be on any mailing lists, and the worst downside seems to be that they won't able to reset their password."

I think you missed his double-negative there - he is saying that you shouldn't not be letting users sign up with ...

... which I agree with ...

You may be right... alas, I seem to be able to parse his sentence either way. Stupid NLP :-)

> Yahoo.com et al. are still available to create one-off emails to allow someone to get past a (say) 14-day free trial every 14 days, so how does blocking these guys help?

Yahoo requires SMS verification on every signup.

Ah, thanks for the update. Glad they're using such a secure, unhackable technique /s

rsync is right - I missed the ambiguity in my sentence.

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