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Device hardware doesn't matter if the device is hard to use. Smart Covers could solve the iPad's ergonomic problems, and that's far more important to users than two cameras or HDMI out.

What do you do if you have an original iPad? How do you solve the iPad's ergonomic problems then .. ?

Non-sequitur. We're talking about features about the iPad 2 and suddenly you're asking about iPad 1 users? Improving a device every generation is common in tech. Everyone knows this.

I guess iPad 1 users will have to buy an iPad 2 if they want the ergonomic problem fixing then ...

Sure, just like any other user needs to upgrade if they want new features. That's the entire tech industry--not just Apple.

But personally, I think promotion of a new version - because it's compatible with an accessory which fixes ergonomic issues - is a bit a wrong. The iPad 2 is faster and slimmer .. and has some web-cams built in - but this constant pursuit of 'progress' is a bit worrying. Especially when an iteration provides such (arguably) small gains.

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