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No these are the "silent" reds. They don't make a sound when bottoming out and also not when coming back up.

Regular: https://www.cherrymx.de/en/mx-original/mx-red.html

Silent: https://www.cherrymx.de/en/mx-original/mx-silent-red.html

I have these, for an office. Yes they are silent if you slowly push and release a key, but thumping away at 50-60 wpm still makes a huge amount of noise, even with o-rings installed (although a lot quieter than blue switches which I used to have).

I have topre switches, so a bit different experience, but a friend of mine had "shown off" that indeed, you can type silently on them. It's the art of not bottoming out which is something like 90% of the noise.

Oh huh, I hadn't noticed that, thank you.

They are still linear switches though. So silent in tactile feel as well

There are some silent, tactile switches, but I think they're a bit more obscure.

I made my ergonomic, split keyboards from a kit[1], and chose Aliaz Silent switches [2]. It's around the same noisiness as everyone else's keyboard (Apple, cheap Dell one etc).

(There are almost certainly other options — the choice was a bit overwhelming when I decided to buy a DIY keyboard — but I'm not in the hobby of collecting many different keyboards. Various Reddit groups can advise.)

[1] https://github.com/omkbd/ErgoDash

[2] https://kbdfans.com/products/pre-orderaliaz-silent-switch-ta...

Beautiful build! Those GMK caps look amazing.

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