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Did you really turn that offhand comment into a rant about geek gatekeeping?

I started working in an era when electric typewriters were still common. They certainly were not used in the common areas in any place I worked because of the noise.

Just to be clear, if you make a ton of noise in a common environment it’s your job to find a way to reduce your impact. If we have to go to the manager to make you change your ways ... well that answers the AITA.

Didn't offices in that era have an area called a "typing pool" to confine the noise to a dedicated area to keep common areas quieter?

Two of my work places did. Others just had a layout where the people who typed were kept away from other employees, like small set of typing cubicles in the open area surrounded by offices or cubicles at the far end of the open area with an open space between typists and others.

One of my workplaces was a mainframe shop, some of the older devs still programmed their cobol/fortran iv code on sheets and took it to the data entry pool in another wing for input.

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