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> Typewriters were a thing for many decades and people managed.

Perhaps you weren't there. When typewriters were commonly used they were typically in the typing pool or in the secretary's own office and the noise didn't impinge on the rest of us. Of course it was different in offices where the principal activity was typing such as newspapers.

From '78 to '82 I worked as an electronics engineer in an open plan office that was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. None of us typed, instead we scrawled our documentation longhand and the department secretary typed it on an IBM Selectric in her own office next to the department manager's office. It sounds inefficient but in fact was not because revising documents was so time consuming that more effort went into keeping things simple and as far as practicable right first time.

If someone had made a lot of noise it would have been pointless complaining about the design of the office, the only practical remedy would be for them to stop being noisy.

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