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How am I supposed to work without the guy next to me chewing the egg he just cracked with his mouth open, the guy behind me crunching chips and audibly burping, and the sales guy with a bluetooth earpiece and mechanical keyboard!?

I do not miss the office.

Where the hell do you people work lol :P I'm in an open plan office of 300 people and it's usually just as quiet if not quieter than this website.

No, where the hell do you work? And are they hiring?

Even in our company this is highly dependent.

I work in LiveOps and it gets very loud with even a low number of people in proximity.

Hey Dijit - are you sure? I've been to your "war room" a few times and it's like a crypt in there most of the time, you could hear a pin drop so to speak. Unless you mean some other area ;-)

I guess nobody was on a call then. :)

Everyone has a mechanical keyboard, and often 4-5 people are on skype calls. Some people are very loud when talking through the mic and they speak louder the more people are talking. It leads to a really obscene amplification of volume pretty quickly and tends to last until the lunch or the end of the day. But yes, I think you've seen my war room then :D

You forgot about the guy doing his kettle bell routine at his stand up desk.

And no, I'm not joking. It actually happened, for several days until enough people complained and he stopped doing it.

I think that's insane, but I also don't have a space to do any kind of workout at the office. When most people are gone for the day I try and use one of the empty meeting rooms for a few stretches and push-ups.

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