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Love the faster processor, HDMI out and better Safari performance. However, the main reason I'd upgrade my iPad would be for better resolution. Going from my iPhone 4, the iPad's screen just looks like crap. I primarily use the iPad for reading websites and Instapaper, and my guess is that I'm not alone.

Why would you buy the new version of any product only one year after you bought the last version? That seems just crazy to me.

You sell the old one used.

Apple kit holds its value very well, as you would expect from a product that is selling almost as fast as it can be made. Gazelle.com is currently offering me 60% of the retail price of my old iPad. Must... resist...

Have you ever used Gazelle before? $375 is really good for a 16gb wifi iPad.

EDIT: Planning on selling mine, so wondering if anyone has used the service before?

Looks like Gazelle's offer just went down to $283. They're convenient if you don't want to use Craigslist, but note that they will always lowball you (since they're planning to resell it themselves).

I sold my original base model iPad for $400 on Craigslist last week ($100 less than I paid). I'm sure you could still get at least $300 now, more if you put in the time to write a good ad and/or offer to deliver nearby.

Hee hee, I knew I should have clicked that button before I posted here. ;)

I find that Gazelle's value proposition has been pretty good, for me. I'm happy to surrender a few dozen dollars in exchange for not having to deal with Craigslist or eBay.

I've got a co-worker who sold his 3gs about a year ago. He said it was a great experience. On seeing your comment I just started the process of selling my iPad 32gb wifi to gazelle. $437, not bad. I won't be buying the 2nd gen. I just want to offload mine before the value drops out of it.

Crap! I looked after you posted this and Gazelle was offering $522 for my 32GB WiFi+3G. Now it's down to $350!

Damn you Apple for dumping cheap first-gen iPads onto the market!

It's not crazy -- having the latest and greatest feels good, and $500 or whatever it costs is not much money for a once-a-year pleasure outlay. Consider what a car costs, and consider that some people buy a new one every 5 years. Now that's crazy.

I would say that’s both about equally crazy. Cars and TVs should be good for a decade.

Our only TV is a 32" CRT that I got for $500 in early 2001 as a college sophomore. I felt guilty about that for a few years afterwards, but at this point I can safely say it was a good purchase.

To run new apps that won't work on the lesser hardware?

> However, the main reason I'd upgrade my iPad would be for better resolution.

There was never going to be a resolution upgrade this year. It's simply not feasible to push 2048x1536 on 9.7" screens right now. Next year maybe, but this year nope.

The rumor mills have the iPad 3 out later this year.

This runs quite hard into the claim of 2011 being "the year of the iPad 2".

It also places the iPad events concurrently to the iPod September events (back to school), which isn't exactly great for Apple.

Yes, the changes look exciting, but I'm holding out for a better screen too, primarily because of how black-and-white text looks.

Isn't that a problem on the Kindle, which has an even lower resolution? (I've never seen one in the wild here in Europe). I'd love a 200ppi Kindle, but maybe such a high pixel density is unnecessary with e-ink?

"maybe such a high pixel density is unnecessary with e-ink?"

That's right. E-ink pixels are not square, don't have gaps, and don't use three colour pixels to create white. A higher pixel density with e-ink would be nice, but isn't as necessary as it is with LCD.


In my experience, the Kindle resolution is sufficient to be like printed text. My guess is that because it's black and white only, you don't need to worry about the sort of sub-pixel font rendering that LCD's do.

The kindle screen doesn't need a higher resolution - the way the e-ink is displayed it makes reading a breeze.

I absolutely agree. I would have upgraded to the new iPad in a heartbeat if it had a better screen resolution.

It would also make sense to play 1080p on the device.

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