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He's talking about 4.3 now. No apparent huge updates, but things like making the mute/rotation lock switch a preference will be appreciated. Improved AirPlay support (can work with websites now), shared hotspot on iPhone, etc etc.

Probably the biggest news for this crowd is Safari's JS boost with the Nitro Javascript Engine.

I really want to be able to do a timed mute on my iPhone. I keep on putting my phone on mute to see a movie, then my girlfriend is mad at me the next morning because I don't answer the phone.

If Apple let you load the apps you choose on your phone this would be easy. It's a solved problem on Android (Locale).

What, the problem of having a girlfriend and writing Linux apps?

Call her before you go to bed...

This would actually create an interesting problem. If you have a hardware switch and a software timer, then the switch is going to be wrong sometimes.

Simple: you only get to use the software timer/switch if the hardware switch is mapped to orientation lock, which is what I was getting at in the first place.

(I have a problem, in that I assume everyone thinks things out two steps ahead, because that's how it works in my family. This is why bystanders sometimes wonder if we all share a gene for schizophrenia. Our conversations seem disconnected.)

Motorize the switch ;-)

Wonder if they'll keep the 4+ finger multitouch gestures. I've kind of gotten used to them on my 4.3 beta.

They already killed them. They removed them from the latest beta.

They made it clear that it would not be include in official 4.3.

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