I'm a developer with 15 years experience as a designer and full stack developer and have managed small-med teams. I've run my own agency for the past 11 years working with small businesses to F500 companies on a variety of projects. Currently looking for a position with a focus on Laravel/PHP in any industry.
Hi I am looking for a technical co founder for a B2C marketnetwork. The SMB market is incredible and the marketnetwork is what will revolve the way people work and earn a living.
Technologies: PHP, Laravel, Laravel Spark, Laravel Forge, Javascript, jQuery, Vue.js, Node.js, HTML, CSS, MySQL, AWS, WordPress, Linux, Vagrant, Docker, Redis, SASS, LESS, Web APIs, RESTful APIs. (Experience with many Integrations & API's)
Résumé/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/braunson
Website: https://braunson.ca
Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/braunson
Email: braunson [at]] braunson [[dot] ca
GitHub: http://github.com/braunson
I'm a developer with 15 years experience as a designer and full stack developer and have managed small-med teams. I've run my own agency for the past 11 years working with small businesses to F500 companies on a variety of projects. Currently looking for a position with a focus on Laravel/PHP in any industry.