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To each our own. I don't think work in this area serves humanity one iota. But that's my opinion and I respect yours.

What exactly is your opinion, out of interest, like how does it work? Do all the miriads of people who buy fragrances or fragrant-induced products (not to mention all the workers of that industry) just spend their money and resources on something that makes them no benefit whatsoever because they are what, too stupid? Or like they don't understand what they like? Or can't form their own decisions? In what way do those numbers not speak of some amount of "serving" these people receive from the fragrance industry? Since they keep using it, keep pouring their resources into it?

Also where do you draw the line? How about video games? Do they really serve humanity after all? Porn? Christmas lights? All the work spent on designing and constructing beautiful buildings? Should all buildings just be efficient faceless boxes because it saves more resources?

>because they are what, too stupid?

Because they are inconsiderate of others who do not want to smell the fragrances.

Think of it like smoking. Annoying and offensive to people nearby. No need to hone this.



By this area do you mean fragrances? Or the application of AI in this specific example?

If the latter I'm inclined to agree with you, since there's already more fragrances out there than I could ever hope to sniff, and many of the ones I have sniffed smelled pretty amazing without AI.

If the former, I think it's a bit much to just dismiss fragrances as pointless so easily; people have been obsessed with taste and smell for thousands of years, and indeed it has shaped the course of history e.g. spice trade etc., so clearly fragrances are involved with a very basic and important human need.

>people have been obsessed with taste and smell for thousands of years, and indeed it has shaped the course of history e.g. spice trade etc., so clearly fragrances are involved with a very basic and important human need.

You can't assume that just because people are obsessed with something it is a basic need. One counterexample would be that thing where they implant wires in the right spot in your brain and you become obsessed with pressing the button to zap yourself.

Firstly you misquote me, secondly you cite a highly artifical and slightly bizarre example that if anything disproves what you are trying to prove, and thirdly I'm not really sure I see the point of quibbling with the fact that our sense of smell/taste is tightly bound with survival, which was kind of my overall point albeit poorly expressed perhaps.

>Firstly you misquote me

I cut and pasted that line out of the comment, how could it be a misquote? Perhaps the original comment was edited after I posted my comment?

No, you changed 'are involved with' to 'it is', which changes the meaning. And please don't accuse me of changing what I wrote.

AI could help with detecting people wearing them and singling those people out for fines and/or education on how wearing fragrances is extremely inconsiderate to others.

It all depends I suppose. The merest whiff of Cerutti 1881 takes me straight back to a particular girlfriend in the mid-90s.

You're not getting the meaning of the word "inconsiderate."

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