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Jeder Zweite will zurück zur D-Mark

Every second german wants the D-mark back

Date: 27.12.2010

From this follows that every second german doesn't want the D-mark back. Far from "people in Germany". Also, this poll was done after a big campaign by BILD (german tabloid) that other european countries are bleeding Germany, which probably skewed results in favor of abandoning the Euro.

Telling people the facts "skewed" results in favor of abandoning the Euro?

How do you conflate a tabloid campaign with "telling facts"?

Sgift described the campaign as informing readers that other countries are "bleeding Germany" (presumably money, not literal blood).

That doesn't sound inaccurate. Tabloid != incorrect, you know. Tabloid is merely a pejorative label applied to newspapers which don't attempt to hide their opinions.

Biggest newspaper, heavily self-opinionated. Even _if_ (big if, I don't buy it) the "the Euro is costing us poor Germans too much" would be right: What do you think what would be the outcome of a report like this for the following survey?

They reach (according to Wikipedia. YMMV) > 12 million readers. If after their anti Euro campaign (again, ignoring the facts at all) still 50% of the population are in favor, how does this even remotely make the non-supporters a majority?

Having done the numbers: The track record for facts from that specific newspaper is poor. Even if you like their agenda in this point, please don't implicate that they are NOT largely misleading (to avoid harsher terms).

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