I wonder who shot the footage. It seems like they asked for something, in a playful way. Both the men and women seem amused, or even flirtatious. The woman at 1:27 is clearly flirting, and the women at 3:56 and 4:06 stick their tongues out. And a few of the men are winking.
Oops, missed it because of the lighting I guess. Still, why put the mini-documentary inline and not the original? It was also linked from the mini-doc, but that's indirect.
The title "Rare Second World War Footage of Bletchley Park Emerges" isn't quite accurate. The footage is of Whaddon Hall, rather than Bletchley Park. Whaddon Hall was MI6, whereas Bletchley Park was GCHQ (GC&CS back then).
The title of the linked article uses the wording "Bletchley Park-linked" which seems more accurate!
I highly, highly recommend "The Code Book" by Simon Singh if you're interested in cryptography. It has a chapter on Bletchley Park and tells the stories of several of its cryptographers, including Alan Turing and the Enigma cipher.
Whenever everyone can come out and play, I highly recommend a visit to Bletchley Park (conveniently located in Bletchley: https://bletchleypark.org.uk/), and, adjacent to it, The National Museum of Computing (https://www.tnmoc.org/).