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I've been developing peercalls.com on and off on since 2015. It's an open source peer to peer WebRTC audio/video calling service, allows the users to chat, share their desktop and send files (sending files is a little buggy at the moment, works best in Firefox).

It has gotten a lot of interest in the past month and I noticed a spike in web traffic so I'm actively working on making it more scalable. I'm planning on implementing an SFU to support calls with more than 3-4 people. Right now the peers establish a mesh network and it quickly gets expensive to send video to more users.

I've also been paying attention to the criticisms of Zoom and other WebRTC conferencing services and am hoping to implement end to end encryption for intermediate servers using Insertable Streams once the functionality is supported in most browsers.

Thanks for sharing. It doesn't seem to work well in Safari on desktop or iOS. Seemed to connect but if you make the video larger than thumbnail or fullscreen it either doesn't show or only displays a small sliver.

Thanks for reporting the bug! I thought I'd fixed this issue. Which version of MacOS/iOS/Safari are you using?

Edit: I just realized that I just hadn't pushed the latest version which contained this fix. v3.0.17 is up and running now (was v3.0.15). Please let me know if you continue to experience this or any other issue!

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