I'm Rose. I am a backend Java developer with experience in big data related technologies. My commercial experience is about 3 years, but in fact I spent almost all my available time with Java and Linux in that 3-4y period. I was working in search engine team - big data, and web Java Backend projects. I have experience in remote working so it's not a big deal for me to work that way effectively. I am currently learning some security related things because it's my new hobby. If you need some mid+ Java / Big data / Junior pentest specialist please contact me.
PS. I am not good in frontend tasks (as you will see on my github my new app is pink and full of unicorns so don't let me do that things in your projects :).
Technologies: Java, JavaFX, Solr, HBase, Hadoop (Cloudera), Kafka, Spark, linux, bash scripting, mysql, Spring, css, html, Git, basics of Python.
Remote: 100%
Github: https://github.com/bednarskar
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/r%C3%B3%C5%BCa-bednarska-a074b91...
E-mail: bednarska.r (at) gmail.com
Hi, I'm Rose. I am a backend Java developer with experience in big data related technologies. My commercial experience is about 3 years, but in fact I spent almost all my available time with Java and Linux in that 3-4y period. I was working in search engine team - big data, and web Java Backend projects. I have experience in remote working so it's not a big deal for me to work that way effectively. I am currently learning some security related things because it's my new hobby. If you need some mid+ Java / Big data / Junior pentest specialist please contact me. PS. I am not good in frontend tasks (as you will see on my github my new app is pink and full of unicorns so don't let me do that things in your projects :).