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Zoom 0-day: The 'S' in Zoom, Stands for Security (objective-see.com)
53 points by kgraves on April 1, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I thought the Z in Zoom stood for "Zero fucks given about security or our user's privacy".

I think there are quite a lot of apps with similar issues or Apple would just have made it mandatory for apps that request camera permissions to be hardened properly.

Website has some anti-text-flowing code that makes it look like a a web page for ants in mobile.

Web devs, please don't go out of your way to forcibly break the browser's layout engine.

In this case, it's semi-justified by the fact that a bunch of the page is large images, it's basically a page of presentation slides. Would be very hard to read on mobile even if the layout wasn't broken.

(Obviously, the ideal is a page that actually reflows, but the problem of accurately reproducing slides on mobile is a difficult one.)

Reader mode works, but this page renders awfully on iPhone

"Wait... but there is no S."

This is a reference to a joke: A: "How do you fit an elephant into a Safeway bag?" B: "Don't know...how?" A: "You take the 'S' out of 'Safe' and the 'f' out of 'way'." B: Left as an exercise for the reader.

For those you haven't heard it before.

There is no f'in'way.

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