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Rolesia – Virtual Macroeconomic Simulator Game (rolesia.com)
63 points by dizzydiz on March 29, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

My issue with such simulations, and I am no expert, is that they encode a lot of unproven assumptions about the nature of money, the effect of money printing, etc. If those assumptions are wrong, then the simulations reinforce those erroneous assumptions in the minds of those who run the simulation.

I would like to have control of a currency in a popular MMORPG to run experiments.

That’s something I’m working on at the moment - which is to build a tool that models individual as agents and how a banking system actually operates. The “variables” then arise as an emergent property naturally. And it’s a good opportunity to play with Elm. https://github.com/newwayland

Not an MMO but Yanis Varoufakis (former Greek Finance Ministry) did this for Valve a few years ago : https://www.businessinsider.com/yanis-varoufakis-valve-game-...

Ever studied how economies have behaved in real MMOs?

heard about EVE online? Not sure about currency itself but markets are really players driven

Great to see more of these. Here are a few games/simulators I've played where you act as a central bank and try to control inflation, unemployment, and fed fund rate:


https://www.ecb.europa.eu/ecb/educational/educational-games/... (requires Flash)

Does the game always end in an unsustainable explosion of debt that crashes the central bank no matter what you do?

I lost for every reason over the times I played. I thought it illustrated the concepts interacting well though.

here's a related one, a business startup simulator. https://forio.com/simulate/mit/cleanstart/simulation/login.h...

Quick plug for Miniconomy (https://www.miniconomy.com/), a lighter, more gamey game. It's quite fun, and focuses more on the microeconomic (in fact, nanoeconomic, perhaps?) mechanics of the economy; trading, shops, unit costs, game theory. Give it a shot! After its heyday, it could use some fresh blood.

Anyone ever use this on HN with insight?

How accurate/realistic is this?

Boringest game ever!

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