An inspiring critique of and response to confident realist materialism founded on a certain anthropocentric presumption of Cartesian dualism. It exemplified skill—its own powerful confidence—and experience, deserving great commendation. The education born from witnessing such activity has a high aesthetic value to me.
I am pleased that it pleased you, but allow me to correct the misconception arising due to the parallax between your view of me and my view of me.
Quantum Entanglement is computation, which makes me a monist and a materialist/physicalist. Computers reify our formal languages by manipulating matter.
I intended for my phrase “confident realist materialism founded on a certain anthropocentric presumption of Cartesian dualism,” in all its entirety, to refer to the object of the critique. I apologize if my carelessness caused you to interpret the second half of the phrase (the part after the word “materialism”) as a mischaracterized signifier of you, the subject or cause of the critique. Regardless, I thank you for providing an organization of your advanced philosophy and the fundamental mechanics of it.