From one of the very many forum posts on the exact topic:
"If you have not sent in a request and would like to get a jump on the migration, please send an email to support [at] joyent [dot] com with the following information:
- Subject line: migration request + plan type if known (startup, plus, premier)
- Full Name
- User Name(s) / Primary Domain(s) (please note new info if you want to change it at this time)
- Existing Server(s)
If you wish your username or domain name to be changed, please include this in the email and we will process when we send your golden ticket. Waiting until after your account is set up will incur a $50 fee and you will receive a brand new account (old one will be blasted).
Please do not send follow up requests as it only slows the process down. If you asked questions when you sent in your migration request, we will answer those when we send your golden ticket out.
Once you receive your 'golden ticket', you will have 60 days to migrate to the OpenSolaris environment. If you need the second account for more than 60 days, regular monthly charges will apply."
I find it a tad bit odd that I received NO emails on migration. Frankly, there is no conceivable way that announcing in a Joyent forum and expecting users to become aware of it is a sound strategy. Pull vs Push and all that.
Even so, I'm willing to migrate if I can find some additional information as to what is involved.
Again, thanks for posting...I'll go digging through Joyent's forums now....
"If you have not sent in a request and would like to get a jump on the migration, please send an email to support [at] joyent [dot] com with the following information:
- Subject line: migration request + plan type if known (startup, plus, premier) - Full Name - User Name(s) / Primary Domain(s) (please note new info if you want to change it at this time) - Existing Server(s)
If you wish your username or domain name to be changed, please include this in the email and we will process when we send your golden ticket. Waiting until after your account is set up will incur a $50 fee and you will receive a brand new account (old one will be blasted).
Please do not send follow up requests as it only slows the process down. If you asked questions when you sent in your migration request, we will answer those when we send your golden ticket out.
Once you receive your 'golden ticket', you will have 60 days to migrate to the OpenSolaris environment. If you need the second account for more than 60 days, regular monthly charges will apply."