Why the outrage? It's sometimes worth replaying a session to gauge your prospect's behavior and figuring out how to convert them. Also, for people who use a VPN, I would imagine the majority of them would be using an AD-Blocker / Tracking blocker in their browser to stop any attempt by the VPN company to spy on them.
That's likely true. I don't know if I'd call it "outrage" as just...useful information.
Like a live test of a theoretical concept. Privacy over marketing. At some point, they have to improve their offerings and user experience. But I wonder if they went for the quickest option out of the box (there are lots of shady third parties there) or if they considered doing something a bit safer based on their needs.
I know lots of marketers that want A LOT of tools and get A LOT of data -- and not really sure what to do with that data