This sounds interesting, but I can't tell what it is -- there's too much terminology I'm not familiar with. The list of features is all tech-centric and doesn't step back and say what the thing does.
I think it is a self-hosted video conferencing solution, which sounds awesome, but I'm not certain of that. I assume "RTC System" is not a real-time clock. I've heard of Go, and Flutter sounds like some sort of Web UI system.
Can anyone explain this a little more simply, please?
You are exactly right, it is a self-hosted video conferencing system. It was designed in a way that lets you do some extra stuff that could be nice (like pull in an external video feed)
I will work on making the README more friendly! If anyone else is interested I would love help, working in this space has made me biased so I tend to write thing for myself.
I think it is a self-hosted video conferencing solution, which sounds awesome, but I'm not certain of that. I assume "RTC System" is not a real-time clock. I've heard of Go, and Flutter sounds like some sort of Web UI system.
Can anyone explain this a little more simply, please?