I've been thinking about this for a while. A fairly simple solution would be to turn the incentives around. In the EU, people are already the rightful owners of their data, so that needs to be applied world wide. But that's not enough.
To really flip the table, we need to make it mandatory to pay people for use of their data. If a company is exploiting[ß] someone else's property, the owner must be compensated for the privilege. Take a page from SaaS companies' nickel-and-diming ("pay per use") billing strategy, too. Just turn it around: forbid blanket permissions and consents.
The idea is to ensure that other people's data needs to be universally treated as a toxic liability, not an asset.
ß: in economic sense, although other meanings apply equally well.
To really flip the table, we need to make it mandatory to pay people for use of their data. If a company is exploiting[ß] someone else's property, the owner must be compensated for the privilege. Take a page from SaaS companies' nickel-and-diming ("pay per use") billing strategy, too. Just turn it around: forbid blanket permissions and consents.
The idea is to ensure that other people's data needs to be universally treated as a toxic liability, not an asset.
ß: in economic sense, although other meanings apply equally well.