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> And they're talking about the socket API, so when they say "a packet" they really mean "any number of packets".

It's completely different if you have one switch per packet vs. one switch per thousand packets.

You're taking things to a ridiculous extreme to imply that any amount of context switching is a deal-breaker. There is a specific number of context switches before you reach 1%, 10%, 50% overhead. There are many reasons to avoid context switches besides overhead, but they are all either based on the underlying implementation or simply not critical to throughput. You're oversimplifying, despite your credentials. The implementation can be changed/fixed without completely purging context switches. There are many tradeoffs, and doing pure user-space is a viable way to approach things, but it's not the only approach.

Memory sharing and metadata slowness is an easy bottleneck to have, but the way you avoid it, by changing data structures and how you talk to different layers of code and the device, can be done whether you put it in the kernel, in pure user space, or split it between the two.

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