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I trust that you're typing your comment from OpenBSD? After all, it's the only modern OS that doesn't compromise against security.

Not yet, though I am working on replacing proprietary software I use with free software that's Linux/BSD compatible.

It's a long journey - started using Windows. macOS is a nice gap-stop, but the long term destination is probably something like OpenBSD or Qubes OS.

Perhaps eventually replacing much of the old software on my machine with stuff written in memory safe languages like Rust. There's some far-off efforts like Redox OS that may well end up being an option for me.

I keep my eye on security developments and I try to improve my situation as and when I have the time/energy to.

EDIT: To say, I have also switched from iOS to Android - after many years of waiting till Android itself became more secure. I've also dumped a lot of non-free software like Google Authenticator for free alternatives like andOTP. I'd like to eventually run something like Replicant or whatever is current/actively developed in the future.

I did the opposite, went from Android to iOS because of security. I'd rather live in this "walled garden" instead of the vulnerabilities that pop up in Android now and then, the malware that's always popping up in their app-store, and finally the fact that Google is always looking over your shoulder at everything you do, even despite how much you "turn off" things in the OS, it still phones home. Microsoft is the same. I'm tired of it. Not to mention that Android manufacturers idea of an "update" to the OS means you basically have to buy a newer model, as they often lag months behind on software/security updates from Google, and Apple supports their phones and tablets with updates years after. For instance, Google only provides updates to their Pixel phones for 3 years. Meanwhile, my wife's iPhone 6s is still chugging along with the latest OS after 5 years.

But this is just me. Everyone should use what they are comfortable with.

And here it is, just a few hours after I wrote this and here's yet another story about malware on the Google app store:


Install an antivirus for your phone. Problem solved?

This isn't even remotely true, OpenBSD needs to be a usable system too.

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